About Me

Photo by: T.L. Gallegos

I’m Kristen and welcome to my website! I started blogging back in 2006 to keep my family up to date when I was supposed to move to out of the country.  Well those plans changed and I continued to blog ever since. Born and raised in the beautiful state of Colorado and only after moving to the mid-west for a year, I finally appreciate how wonderful this state is.

I am currently in my mid 30’s, working full time and going back to college but enjoying every minute of the chaos! I have been in the corporate world ever since high school and have worked my way up that ladder.  This is where I get my saying “too old, but too young”. I am too old for some things, as I have been working in the food and beverage business for since I was 13, starting off as a prep cook and doing everything from the back of house to the front of house, along with management, IT, Accounting and Payroll. I have become wise beyond my years through my many life experiences and the different people that have come in and out of my life , but I am also so young; young from not going to school and being able to live out my childhood. So now at my age, I am beginning an adventure and learning all I can about about life. I have grown so much and still have so much further to go…

Edit: School has been put on the back burner for now. Currently working for a great company, developing and advancing my accounting career. Sexual Education will always be close to my heart and I am still involved with “spreading the word”.

Q&A with KK:  [currently on hold at this time]

I am attending school for a degree in Psychology with Sex Education/ Sex Therapy. I have been a life coach to many of my friends for years and thought, why not go back to school to get a degree that supports what I am naturally good at and enjoy doing.  I also have an interest in the lack of sex education amongst young children and teens as well as relationship counseling amongst adults.  As you can tell by my posts, I am very open in the lines of communication, willing to talk about anything and everything!

If you have a question that you have been too afraid to ask your parents, doctor or friends, ask me! If I don’t know the answer, I will use one of my reliable sources to get you the answer.  There is no question too dumb or stupid, all I do ask is you watch your language.  I am an open book, so let’s talk about all the things that everyone is too afraid to talk about, are you ready?

Please note: All comments are entirely my opinion and are answered by student seeking her license in Sexuality Education Counseling