The challenge is on!

I am tired of hearing myself complain – the continuous yo-yo weight fluctuations – and am ready for a complete overhaul. Which is why I am doing 50 pounds in 5 months. Yes, you read correctly, that is 10 pounds a month. This is a completely different tactic than I have done before. Why you ask? It isn’t just because I am getting married this year (calm down, date is still TBD) but it is also to get my body in pre-baby shape. WHAT?! Sit back down, I have to get married first… geesh.

I have managed to slowly pack on the pounds over the past two years but I have reached a tipping point. Literally… the scales have tipped and I have snapped.

So what is the plan? Well, up until last week, the original plan was:

Diet: cutting out all the good stuff…

  • No dairy
  • No wine
  • No gluten
  • No meat
  • No carbs
  • No sugar

I know it sounds so awesome, no need to get jealous. Almost as exciting as watching paint dry, but in this case, I might be craving to lick the walls hoping for something better than my diet. I crave food and when the stress level goes up, so does the intake of fatty and sugary foods… and wine. Lots of wine. Then the medications help keep the weight on, and add in the last remaining factor of being almost 35 years old (and lacking a metabolism), it is an all around great combination!

Exercise: 5 days a week (minimum) at the athletic club. No, it is not the gym, it is a club. Cherry Creek Athletic Club to be exact. If I call it a gym, I am already fearing going. The one stage of social anxiety I haven’t been able to break. So yes, to the club I go. First the treadmill and swimming. Then I will take on more, like maybe a class or two and weights.

New Plan: Get a personal trainer.

Yeah – I did that! I found a great offer at the Club and took the opportunity. So far, we have sat down and created a diet plan, which since I eat pretty good most of the time, is very strict. I purchased a food scale, a standard list of groceries and meal prepping both lunch and dinner, which will help with my instructions of carb alternating throughout the week. Still no drinking but I am allowing lean proteins, such as chicken or fish. We are also using the “MyZone” device to monitor effort/heart rate and tracking all food in “My Fitness Pal” app.

This project isn’t just about making the numbers on the scale go down, it is the many health benefits that go along with it. By exercising, I will be able to lower my medication doses due to the increase in serotonin levels. With my mental meds lowered, it will prepare my body for a safer pregnancy. It won’t be a quick fix or a permanent replacement from using any medication but it would be nice to make my morning handful of pills and supplements a little smaller.

This is going to hurt. There will be tears. It is going to be a struggle. I will rise, I will fall, and I am prepared to plateau. And when I do hit a stopping point and can’t seem to move further, whether with the weight loss or motivation, that is where the personal trainer comes in. While I can’t financially afford it, my health and mental well-being are worth more. My future children are worth it.

I am worth the investment.

I’m too afraid and ashamed to post pictures of the current state of my body. I did however manage to summon up the courage to actually take a few before photos (the thought still makes me cringe). Maybe when I am half way there, I might periodically post weight, inches and more. But until then, all I ask is for a little help. A little encouragement. I have moved from my FitBit to an Apple Watch (since I can swim with it on, in addition to listening to my books) so if anyone wants to complete their circles with me, I would love to sync up! Same goes for the MYZONE!

I want to be healthy and happy and be in the best shape possible before Eric and I take on the journey of trying to become pregnant. With my age and medical conditions, I don’t have all the time in the world so I am making the most of what I have. Root me on! Because I really could use the encouragement.

Cheers! xx



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